

Expertly engineered solar

Explore New Zealand’s most competitive commercial solar solutions with Sunshine Solar and see how we can power your business. Benefit from customized, cost-effective energy systems designed to maximize efficiency and drive down operational costs.


Our Solar Partners & Clients

We’re proud to partner with industry-leading companies to bring you top-tier solar solutions. Our network of partners and clients includes renowned firms across various sectors, each sharing our commitment to sustainable energy and innovation. Together, we’re working to transform New Zealand’s energy landscape, ensuring reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solar power for businesses and homes alike.

Find a Home
Calder Stewart
Cancer Society
Health Based Building
BP New Zealand
Online Distribution
Strait NZ


Calder Stewart – Milton Factory

Calder Stewarts Milton Steel Factory recently partnered with Sunshine Solar to install a state-of-the-art 300 kW solar system. The project is expected to offset a staggering 37.2 tones of carbon annually, demonstrating Calder Stewart Milton’s commitment to sustainability and the environment.

Why Solar?

Great Return on Investment

Solar systems have great payback periods and ROI significantly higher than borrowing rates. This means solar always makes a smart investment for your business.

Become Carbon Neutral

With the increasing awareness around climate change, mitigating your carbon footprint is also a smart marketing decision for your business and the health of the planet.

Reduce Capital Expenditure

Solar systems allow your business to reduce its power expenses in a cost effective way. The price of electricity is rising at two to three times the rate of inflation in New Zealand. Solar power will allow you to mitigate the effect of this increasing expense on your business.


Forté Health

Forte Health is a leading example of how our solar solutions can be integrated into healthcare settings to promote operational efficiency and sustainability. By partnering with Forte Health, Sunshine Solar has demonstrated the adaptability and benefits of our solar systems in providing reliable, cost-effective energy solutions that meet the stringent requirements of modern healthcare facilities. This collaboration underscores our commitment to supporting vital community services with innovative energy solutions that ensure a greener, healthier future.


Cancer Society

We’ve teamed up with TSA Management and Cancer Foundation NZ to launch a 100 kW solar system at our facility. This initiative not only showcases our dedication to sustainability but also reduces our environmental footprint significantly.


Strait Freight

Sunshine Solar recently completed the installation of a cutting-edge 104 kW solar system on the roof of Strait Freight NZ’s facility. The project was successfully commissioned on March 30, 2023, marking a significant milestone in Strait’s efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs.

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